
An enduring impact: Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. and PayPal’s Give at Checkout

The Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. was established in Milan, Italy in 2000. A non-political and non- denominational charity, its focus is on improving the lives of children in need. Its presence now extends beyond Italy to Latin America and the rest of the world.

The foundation is the Italian chapter of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (N.P.H.), which means ‘our little brothers and sisters.’ Founded in 1954, N.P.H. is an international charity overseeing projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. It provides children’s health services, medical rescue aid to refugees, food distribution, and rebuilding of schools damaged by earthquakes. Its shared goal is to help break the cycle of generational poverty.

The challenge

We had the privilege to speak with Mariavittoria Rava, the Chairman of the foundation, and Emma Bajardi, Project Manager and Emergency Coordinator, to learn more about Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. We discovered how PayPal’s Give at Checkout (GAC) helps the foundation reach thousands of new donors and discussed the impact on their charity.What makes Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. unique is its deep commitment to the long term. They stay well beyond the immediate need of handing out food, saving lives, and building schools. They work to ensure that these children can become independent citizens of their countries.

Bajardi shared a sobering statistic: “In Haiti, 1 in 3 children die before reaching the age of 5 due to curable diseases and malnutrition.” The country has suffered multiple catastrophes. Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. has created and completed many projects there, including the Saint Damien hospital. It is the only pediatric hospital in Haiti, free of charge, and treats 80,000 children every year.

“When I began to serve this organization, it was to make a real change in the lives of children,” Bajardi stated. She did just that – involving her entire family and changing her career and lifestyle to fully commit to the foundation. As Rava expands her vision for the future of her foundation, she looked to collaborate with an organization that not only shared its values but could help extend its reach.

"With Give at Checkout, we understand that donors can choose from several charities. But many people chose us and then chose us a second time. This is very motivating." -  Mariavittoria Rava, Chairman, Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H.

The solution

PayPal’s Give at Checkout (GAC) allows users to donate 1 euro to the non-profit of their choice when completing a purchase. The microdonation is an easy way for consumers to give what they can. Over time, these small amounts can grow exponentially, offering charities a way to diversify fundraising efforts.

Because GAC reaches customers when they are already spending, it has a high conversion rate. And, with PayPal covering the transaction fees, 100% of the donations go to the charity.*

As part of the PayPal checkout flow, GAC helped Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. to increase its digital presence. “Our target as a foundation has always been to innovate, to pioneer new technologies,” said Bajardi. “Partnering with PayPal is truly helping us reach our goal to develop and increase our presence in the digital market.” With PayPal’s expansive global footprint, GAC helps the charity make meaningful progress towards improving the lives of children.

The results

With PayPal’s GAC, Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. was able to expand its donor base quickly and efficiently. In fact, 96% of the donors from GAC were new to the charity.** This helped the charity achieve its goal of increasing awareness with efficient use of resources.

Engagement from donors is also of primary importance. In fact, 15% of donors who have used GAC have donated more than once to the foundation. And being a featured charity in PayPal’s GAC translated into donations of over 10,000 euro per month.**

Additionally, 1% of donors who donated through GAC subsequently donated via other channels.** Many of the new donors became more involved over time. Several donors were so moved by the charity’s mission that they made the deepest possible commitment by sponsoring a child.

“To become involved in such a program means that the donors desire and are ready for a long-time commitment, at least a year commitment to the cause,” shared Bajardi. “They believe our organization deserves their trust.”

Rava and Bajardi have devoted their energy, time, and love to making the impact of their charity felt worldwide. With the scale of PayPal and the generosity of donors, Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. continues to make an enduring impact on children’s lives across the globe.

“I feel that this is the best way to develop the world to be a better planet. Our philosophy is based on empowerment and love,” said Rava, speaking, as always, with her heart. “Love is a transformative energy,” she concluded. And certainly, Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H has transformed the lives of so many children, bringing a message of hope to the next generation.

Give at checkout donor details

  • 96% new donors.**
  • 15% donated multiple times.**
  • 123,193 euro donated.**


*PayPal covers transaction fees when you donate in the PayPal app or through our website so 100% of your donation goes to charity unless it involves a currency conversion.
**Data is from Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. from July 21 through June 22. These results may not be typical and may vary substantially by business. This content is provided for informational purposes only. You should always obtain independent business, tax, financial, and legal advice before making any business decision.
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